Cultural Studies (CULT) is a multidisciplinary program offering courses in literature, linguistics, sociology, philosophy, political science, art theory, history, cinema, and media studies. CULT studies cover various topics, including cinema and media theories, colonialism and postcolonialism, nationhood and national identity, philosophy, translation, literary and media genres, identity, and global cultures.
As a result, by studying critical cultural theories and using interdisciplinary techniques, students will be able to employ comparative analysis and critical thinking in researching and analyzing works in local and global culture by referencing key internationally famous thinkers and research in cultural studies.
By acquiring, consolidating, and developing multi-disciplines skills, students can confidently enter the job market, gaining focus in their dominant fields of interest while displaying competencies from other fields simultaneously. Some of the many areas our (post)graduates can find employment in are culture, tourism, diplomacy, education, and media.
Assistant Professor Dr. Nadira Puškar-Mustafić
Cultural Studies Program Coordinator