Representatives of ELIT program visited English Department of the University of Zenica
On Monday, 9 May 2016, professors and students of English Language and Literature program of International University of Sarajevo visited English department of the University of Zenica. ELIT Program Coordinator Assist. Prof. Dr. Nudžejma Obralić, Assist. Prof. Dr. Almasa Mulalić, Sen. Assist. Ervin Kovačević, and Sen. Assist. Emina Jelešković, met with the Head of English Department of the University of Zenica, Assist. Prof. Dr. Edina Rizvić-Eminović, Sen. Assist. Melisa Bureković and Sen. Assist. Feđa Imamović. They discussed different types of cooperation between the two programs and agreed on specific projects. ELIT students met with students of English Department of the University of Zenica. It was an opportunity for them to network and exchange ideas. The students attended a lecture on English Syntax. ELIT students and staff also visited Vranduk fortress, the seat of Bosnian kings dating back from 15 century.