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The 2nd Essay Contest Winners

In April 2016 IUS English Language and Literature Department organized the 2nd Essay writing contest on the topic: "Future Prospects for Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina EU Membership". We challenged the high school students from Bosnia and Herzegovina to be creative, unique and open-minded.

The total number of 70 students from the entire country participated at the contest. Students’ essays were evaluated according to the established assessment criteria (

The jury members had a tough job ahead of them, to choose first, second and third prize winners from the top 13 essays. The awarding ceremony was held on Monday 23, 2016. The awards were granted by Prof. Dr. Yucel Ogurlu, the Rector of International University of Sarajevo; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhidin Mulalić, the Dean of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; and Assist. Prof. Dr. Nudžejma Obralić, ELIT Program Coordinator.

The winners of the essay contest are:

1st place:  Ena Haseljić, Gimnazija "Mustafa Novalić", Gradačac

2nd place: Irfan Osmanović, Druga gimnazija, Sarajevo

3rd place: Katarina Vujnović, Srednja škola “Stolac”, Stolac

And a special congratulation to the top 10 contestants:

  1. Armin Marić, JU Opća Gimnazija “Bosanska Krupa”, Bosanska Krupa
  2. Ajla Suša, Gimnazija “Dr. Mustafa Kamarić”, Gračanica
  3. Amina Bašić, United World College, Mostar
  4. Eldina Mujić, Behram-begova medresa, Tuzla
  5. Lejla Imširović, International High School, Tuzla
  6. Adna Medošević, Druga gimnazija, Sarajevo
  7. Sara Varatanović, Druga gimnazija, Sarajevo
  8. Lejla Čardaklija, Medical School of Tuzla, Tuzla
  9. Abdulah Halilović, Behram-begova medresa, Tuzla
  10. Timur Vilić, Druga Gimnazija, Sarajevo

 Congratulations to our 2nd Essay Contest winners!